Monday 26 November 2012

Jonathen Livingston Seagull

My favourite book in the world is " Jonathen Livingston seagull" by Richard Bach. Here are some quotes that I believe apply to this projects subject.

“Your whole body, from wingtip to wingtip," Jonathan would say, other times, "is nothing more than your thought itself, in a form you can see. Break the chains of your thought, and you break the chains of your body, too.”
― Richard Bach, Jonathan Livingston Seagull

“Don’t believe what your eyes are telling you. All they show is limitation. Look with your understanding. Find out what you already know and you will see the way to fly.”
― Richard Bach, Jonathan Livingston Seagull

“You have the freedom to be yourself, your true self, here and now, and nothing can stand in your way".”
― Richard Bach, Jonathan Livingston Seagull

Such a great and wise story.

More drawings.

As before I will tell you that I am not a good drawer but I do my best. Hope you like them...

Also I have not posted a lot recently, me and my body are going through a strange time and I'm not sure how to react to it. But I think it will give me good material in hindsight. Please if you have any reactions or stories about your body's that you would like to express in any way, know that this is a forum for you to do so, just get in touch and I will help you.

Cheers and just be jammin with yourself

Donzo x

P.s I am taking a life drawing class in January so the quality of the sketches may improve you never know ;)